Having problems with your soakaway? Think it might not be working properly or not even sure whether you have a soakaway? Call DALROD Bath & Swindon because we are here to help with all matters drainage related.
What is a Soakaway?
A soakaway is essentially a large drain, installed for the purpose of dealing with rainfall to help prevent flooding. In its most basic format, a soakaway is a substantial hole dug into the ground and filled with plastic crates.
Older style soakaways were traditionally constructed with rubble and waste materials, but the design reduced the amount of space available for the water to sit in. Modern plastic crates are a step up in design and provide up to 95% capacity of the available hole for the water.
So, if there is an excess of water from a heavy rainstorm for example, this is conveniently diverted away from the property and into the soakaway where it will sit before slowly dispersing into the ground.

Soakaways are a great solution because they do exactly what they say on the tin – they allow a large amount of water to gather and slowly soak away into the ground.
Maintenance required.
Soakaways don’t last forever and there will be clear indications that maintenance is required. The most obvious sign that your soakaway has reached the end of its life is water not draining properly from your roof downpipes. If this is the case give DALROD Bath & Swindon a call and we can come and investigate in more detail and offer you the most up-to-date advice.
If you already know that you have a soakaway at your property we would advise that a visual inspection is carried out at least once a year. This will ensure that any problems are assessed early and advice and or assistance is provided if and when needed.
Old soakaways can also retain a build-up of silt from your roof which can negatively affect its performance. If there is a build-up of silt the space in the soakaway for water to gather is reduced and its effectiveness for storing the water diminished.
What happens if my soakaway needs replacing?
Sometimes the only solution is to install a new soakaway.

Don’t worry though, DALROD Bath & Swindon can help with that too. We are experienced in replacing and installing new soakaways which you can rest assured meet Government regulations and will give you much needed peace of mind. A recent installation of a new set of soakaway crates for a domestic customer saw a silt trap built into the inflow line, so the customer was able to manage silt themselves and increase the life of the soakaway.
We always aim to provide a suitable solution for our customers even if we have to get creative in the process!
If you would like to discuss any drainage needs you have in our local area, then we would love to hear from you. You can reach us on 01225 984195.